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New Year... New Experiences!

Happy New year from me a couple weeks late! Haha! Jokingly speaking, by now, some people’s resolutions have probably worn off. Hopefully if you’re reading this, yours hasn’t (if you made one)! And if you haven't made a resolution, it's never too late to make one. I don’t have a very specific resolution this year, but really I just want to be more healthy, happy, and successful! Going to the gym is a great change of scenery from the nursing classroom and always help keep me stress-free (and give me good blood sugars), so I definitely have implemented that into my 2018. As a student, some new ways to learn/study are among the list of goals I want to achieve also. What are some of y’alls resolutions or goals? 


A lot happened for me during 2017. A. Lot. From getting my new pump to finishing my first semester of nursing school to co-hosting and interviewing runners at a 5k race for diabetes (I'll talk about that later in this post.). I have been one busy person but I've done and learned so much this past year! I've gained a lot of new friends thanks to nursing school, gotten out of my comfort zone a ton, and just bettered myself as a person this past year, and I only wanna get better! This 2018 is a new year, a new book, a new 365 pages that can be written. What are you going to fill the pages with? Make yourself a note to stay positive this year. Stick it on your mirror, put in somewhere in your car, somewhere where you will read it often. Every year has it's lows, but you can't let those lows keep you from living life to the fullest. Make a note this year to be more active. Have more productive days . Try new things. Take new risks. Get out of your comfort zone. Live life to the fullest! Make some great stories. Make a note for yourself to do what makes you happy. If you're not happy doing whatever it is you're doing in life, change it up. If you've been wanting to go back to school, then do it. Move up in your job? Then work for it. Learn a new language? Go for it. Spend more time with family and friends? Do it. Let this year be the year where you don't let great chances and opportunities pass you by. You will never know until you try, so don't be afraid to try. Don't be afraid to fail. It shows you tried. These are my little positive notes to y'all! Fill the pages of 2018 up with great memories. Make this year amazing. 

"The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1 

God is always with you no matter what you do and where you go. With him, you have nothing to fear. 


During November (which is also diabetes awareness month) I got the chance to co-host and interview runners at the Sugar Run 5k in Collierville, TN. The same host (Betty Lamarr) that interviewed me on her talk show asked me if I would be interested in doing this some time in advance, and of course, I was definitely interested and thought of what a great opportunity this would be, too. I definitely was going to be stepping out of my comfort zone with this one. To say that I had fun would be an understatement. It was a great a experience and overall got me out of my comfort zone even more talking to people I've never met. Co-hosting and being a host is a lot of work, but you have fun while you're working, too. I got the chance to interview winners of the race, national runners, and I got to meet two time superbowl champ Kendall Simmons, who also has type one diabetes. Hearing his story was great (even though he did call me out during his story which I was not expecting haha!) and it shows how much he worked to still play in the NFL and live with type one diabetes and be around for his family. He is definitely an inspiration and a good role model! I have lots of pictures from that day so I'll post them here and also try to post them to my gallery when I can as well!


I had to squeeze this in at the end! I went to see my endocrinologist today (1/15/18), and my a1c is thankfully at 6.5!! I’m 78% in range with my numbers so that has definitely made me happy! I wanted to fill y’all in with that little bit!! Now I just gotta keep up the good work and try to keep my a1c looking good and my numbers in range! 

Y'all I will try to keep my blog updated as much as I can! If at any time you ever have anything you want me to talk about on here, please don't hesitate to send it in! My contact page is the very last tab and it's so easy to reach me! I respond back as quickly as I can, usually within a few hours if I don't respond right away. So I typically respond on the same day.  Any questions are also welcome! I hope to continue to keep y'all updated and I hope y'all like all the posts I've posted! Thank y'all so much for all the support you've shown me, I appreciate it all. Much love from me to you! 



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