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Life Update!

Wow y'all! I have not posted in a while! But let's be honest here, my schedule is crazy! Anyways, I wanted to give y'all a little update on what's been going on in my life lately. 

Nursing school has been so so busy but so so great!! I’m learning so much and making some of the best friends ever! Yes, nursing school is stressful and I’m always studying (you can ask any of my friends, they’ll be quick to agree) but all this will definitely pay off in the end!! 

It’s November again and today kicks off diabetes awareness month! This month is such a special month to me. It’s one where I really like to emphasize what type 1 diabetes is and how important it truly is. I hear and see so many jokes about diabetes everywhere and I hate to see people have so little knowledge over something so big. I don’t mean to rant or anything but I do feel that there needs to be more awareness about type 1 diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, Diabetes causes more deaths than breast cancer and AIDS, listen closely to this, combined every single year. Yes, combined. That sounds pretty serious now doesn’t it? This is the reason why I feel so strongly about awareness. No I don’t post every day but when I can, I try to spread some awareness.  Last year I posted my story (and it’s also here on my blog for y’all to read!) and I got a huge amount of love and support and that’s a huge blessing!! I have such a great support system and I’m so thankful!!

I recently went to see my endocrinologist and my A1c (average of my blood sugars over a 1-3 month period) went from 7.1 to 6.5 in just 3 months!! I’ve managed to lower my A1c and of course auto mode has helped me a lot too!! My sugars have been doing so good because of this system and I couldn’t be more thankful for such good technology that makes such a difficult disease more manageable. 

Well y’all I know it’s not a lot but I’ll try to keep posting blog posts when I can but nursing school definitely has me busy!! But y’all if you ever have any ideas for me, just shoot me a message or email and let me know!! (All contact information is on the contact tab!) Much love to all of y’all! 



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