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Filming Experience!

Okay y'all, here it is! This is the blog I was so excited to talk about!!! I cannot tell y'all how long I've had this exact post just sitting in my drafts just like this ready to be posted! Anyways, if you've been keeping up with me and my blogs, you know I spoke at Medtronic meeting about the 670g pump and my experiences with it. And if you haven't, well then you should check it out! But anyways, a talk show host for Medical Talk, Betty LaMarr, was at the Medtronic meeting I spoke at. She must have been impressed with what I said because she asked me (a few months after the meeting) if I would like to be interviewed on her talk show. I was SO excited! Yes, I was pretty nervous but that didn't last long at all. 

So I got information about how the interview would go, some things I'd be asked, and just a general outline of what was going to occur. I haven't ever been on camera for anything so to be put in front of a camera with lights around you (they were kinda warm too!) was pretty different for me (obviously I've had pictures taken before but that's different, you don't have to speak to the camera!). It was a different environment and it was a lot longer process than I had expected. We had to figure the time we would have to talk and still leave room for commercials, the intro, and the ending credits, for a total of 30 minutes, which was the length of the show. 

Me and my mom were there for about 3-4 hours that afternoon! There were three episodes made out of everything that was filmed!!! The show with me is the last out of a three part segment. When the camera first started to roll, I was a little nervous. I did mess up on a few of my words but hey, nobody's perfect. As the interview went on, I became more comfortable speaking in front of the camera and just feeling relaxed and enjoying the time. Betty was such a great person to talk to and we had such a great conversation. I would definitely film with her again! (And she even said she'd like to have me back in the future!) 

This was such a great experience. A year ago I would've NEVER imagined seeing myself where I am now! Seeing what all I've accomplished is such an inspiration to me to keep myself determined, and to be ready for whatever life throws at me, good or not. A year ago, this blog was not even on my mind. Getting to try the 670g and sensor was never thought of to me. Speaking at a medtronic meeting wasn't even on my mind. Being filmed for an interview was not even on my mind. These are just a few of the blessings that have came into my life and I couldn't be more thankful. I have such a great support team (yes, all of y'all :)) and everyone a part of my support team have made me so inspired to stay determined. So a big thankful to y'all for being so supportive, it truly means a lot to me. 

Im not gonna talk too much about my interview so here is the link to go watch my interview if you haven't already seen it: 

I truly hope you enjoy the interview as much as me! I wish I could've shared more but again, with filming you have to stay within your time regimen! Thank y'all so much for taking your time to read my blogs! It's a joy in my life to keep y'all updated on my life!! I have some questions though, & please tell me what you think when you hears these!! (Either comment on the social media you're reading this post on or send me a message on the contact page of my blog website!). I've been thinking of adding more than just the normal diabetic blog posts, like maybe posting blog posts about school, or my hobbies, or maybe even some mini Bible studies/talks or just situations and such that y'all want me to talk about! I would greatly appreciate the feedback!! I want y'all to be a big part of my life so if you want more included with my blog, then I definitely will do that!! Just let me know!!! 

Thank you for reading!!! 



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