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My Story :)

      Hey y'all! My name is Madison Gomer, and I have type 1 diabetes. Now this is my first time really starting a blog, so let's see where this goes! I've gotten a few comments from people saying that they think it would be a cool idea for me to start a blog to tell my story and to keep everyone updated on my journey with diabetes!      I was around the age of 18 months old when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. I kept getting sick and not getting any better. My mom was starting to get very concerned. She eventually took me in to my doctor at the time and he got an idea to check my blood sugar-- it was over 900. My parents were losing me as my body was going into a diabetic coma. Luckily my doctor worked very quick and got my stabilized and i was sent by ambulance to Memphis. Me and my parents spent a week there and they learned how to take care of me with my diabetes. The nurses there helped my parents a lot I'm sure!      Now for anyone who may not know a lot about diabetes, it's a disease where the immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells (also known as beta cells) in the pancreas, basically killing it off. For most of you, your pancreas will take care of your blood levels for you while I have to take insulin through a tube and a site via an insulin pump. My numbers are so much better than they used to be ( especially since I've been on this new hybrid closed loop system, which I'll talk about later on once I get more wear with it!) but I'll say this now, not everyday is perfect. There's days where I wake up in the middle of the night with high blood sugars, getting sick, and having to go to the hospital to get re-hydrated via an IV until I can keep fluids down on my own to hydrate my body. Then, there's days where my sugars are great, I feel great, and everything is working as it should! I tend to have good days way more than bad days with the new technology I have gotten to use to help my diabetes! It's definitely a blessing!      People ask what causes my blood sugars to change so rapidly. My response, is everything. Everything can and will affect my blood sugars. Anything from stress to excitement can easily affect my sugars. Diabetes is a battle that I am constantly fighting and will never stop fighting. People tend to not notice I have diabetes and often can't tell until I tell them. That's how hard I work to keep my sugars the best I can.      Now despite this battle, I can still live a normal life full of all the things a person can enjoy. I hang out with my friends and boyfriend. I spend time with my family. I go to church and I'm a full time college student. I go to work just as anyone else would. I binge watch Netflix shows, and i workout as much as I can. I love food, and I know how to eat without making my sugars go crazy. I live a normal life, just like anyone else. I love this life that Jesus blessed me with and I'm so blessed to have the support group that I have. My one, huge, wish that I always will have, is a cure for diabetes. I pray for a cure to one day be found, so that me, along with a lot of other diabetics, will no longer have to deal with diabetes.      As I said above, my next post will more than likely be more on the subject of how I'm doing with my pump and the hybrid closed loop system if everyone finds these interesting and would like to know more. I hope everyone enjoys this! xo, Maddie 

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