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To My Parents- A Letter From Your Diabetic Daughter

Type 1 diabetes isn't always easy, but my parents have been strong through it all and have passed that strength on to me. Here's a letter (or maybe sort of a list) to you mom and dad thanking you and telling you all you've done to help me.


Thank you for showing me that strength isn't always the amount of muscle on your body.

Thank you for trying your best to keep it together on the bad diabetes days where you just wanna let all the frustration, stress, etc. out at once.

Thank you for teaching me how to check my sugars and for teaching me what they mean.

Thank you for walking me through how to change pump sites, batteries, lancets, etc. because I never would've learned without y'all!

Thank you for always being by my side on those bad days (whether it be because of diabetes or not) and for letting me know it's okay to have bad days.

Thank you for showing me that the bad days are just bad days and not a bad life.

Thank you for being with me during my lowest lows and my highest highs, and never leaving my side through them.

Thank you for showing me how to not let this illness keep me from being kid when I was younger.

Thank you for showing me also how to not let this illness get in the way of the good

life I've been blessed with.

Thank you for teaching me different lessons in life, for they have made me a better person today.

Thank you for the bravery and courage you've taught me to have, I'm so much braver than I ever thought I would be.

Thank you for teaching me that there's gonna be some scary times but that it'll turn out okay in the end because of what I've learned from y'all.

Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on when I've needed someone.

Thank you for the fun times we've shared, and for being good influences on me.

Thank you for being with me when I take on new challenges or new adventures with diabetes technology. Because we all know it made me a little nervous at first to try new things I've never tried before.

Thank you for always being by my side to support me and everything I've done in my life, and for what's to come.

Thank you for the love you've always shown me, and have taught me to show to others.

Thank you for never giving up on me, I love y'all so much for that.

Thank you for being the best parents y'all can be and for showing me that while I'll have this illness for the rest of my life, I can still live normally and still have a great life.

While I could write so much more thank y'all for everything, I don't think I'd ever be able to complete this list. Y'all have taught me so much over the years and continue to do so! I thank y'all so much for absolutely everything y'all do and continue to do, whether it's helping me with a diabetes related issue or just with life, y'all have always been there and I'm so thankful for that.

I love y'all so much!


Okay y'all, I have a special blog coming soon! I'm so excited to talk to y'all abt it! I'm not going to talk much about it now since I want to share all about it on my next post! Stay on the lookout because I'll have it posted soon, so don't miss it! Thank you to everyone who has been reading my posts and giving me some feedback! If you ever have anything you want me to talk about on my blog, or if you just feel the need to talk to me about something personally, please don't hesitate to contact me! All my contact information is on the contact page of my website! Thanks for reading and for your support!



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